Spa Features:
Homemade Facials
Sugar Scrubs
Hair Treatments
Kids Features:
Edible Peanut Butter Playdough & Finger Paint
Homemade Hot Pockets
Hand-Tossed Ice Cream
Frozen Pudding Pops
On the Run Breakfasts
Packing a School Lunch
Kids Crafts and Fun:
Homemade Slime aka GAK
Kids' Favorite Recipes
Packing Kids School Lunches
Peanut Butter Playdough
Safe to eat Finger Paint
Glow in the Dark Food, Magical Milk, and Giant Bubbles
Halloween Week Features:
Easy Halloween Party Food
Goblin Grub
Caramel Toffee Fruit Dip: Halloween Edition
Crafty in the Kitchen: Shrunken Heads
Other Features:
Christmas Gifts from the Kitchen
Christmas Luminaries
Herb Gardening
Making Pie in a Jar
Mason Jar Lanterns
Silk-Dyed Easter Eggs